Zone 34 Monthly Membership Trends & Success Track

Zone 34 Monthly Membership Trends & Success Track (link)
Monthly membership trends by District for Zone 34. Use the quick links at the top or scroll down to your District's graph. The Success Track is the green dashed line on the graph and the current year is the blue line. 2021-22 (prior year) is the red diamonds.

Zone 34 Membership Goal Setting Worksheets

Zone 34 Membership Goal Setting Worksheets (link)
Goal-Setting Worksheets by District. One page per club. Details past 5 years of membership history, average attrition rate, average attraction rate, average number of members terminated per year. Facilitates goal setting based on actual data and helps clubs forecast total number of new members needed for consistent, moderate membership growth.

Zone 34 Interact Award 2022-23

Zone 34 Interact Award 2022-23 (pdf)
Interact Clubs are asked to complete a questionnaire to qualify for the 2022-23 Zone 34 Interact Award. After signature by the sponsoring Rotary club president, the completed questionnaire must be received by the District Governor (not Rotary International) no later than the 31st of March, 2023.

Zone Directory

Zone Directory (link)
Password protected file. Contact Phil or Karen Morris for password. Hint: first word in Rotary's motto -- lower case

Zone 34 Membership Newsletter

Zone 34 Membership Newsletter (link)
A folder of current and archive copies of the Zone 34 Membership Newsletter. View or download the issue of your choice.